Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Peer Review

Monday in AICE Media class, we were made to present our ideas to six other students in the class, and offer commentary on any ideas, questions, or opinions about everyone's individual projects. This discussion was very helpful because we were able to get feedback and guidance, incase there is any type of creative block. What this activity made me realize, is that everyone is as confused, undecided, and uncertain as I am about how to approach this project. Maybe everyone is just overthinking, but these last two weeks are critical in order to get everything completed and revised.

When it was time to discuss my project, the boys in the group were completely quiet, which did not surprise me since I figured they could not relate to my magazine topic. I also didn't have that many concerns about what to do, since I already have an idea about what my magazine will look like and the type of layout I want. The real issue I needed to be addressed was my two page spread, since I had no idea what I wanted to talk about. The girls suggested that a  "What to wear to..." column would be a really good idea to execute. They said that this story was very relatable since it can apply to any type of girl, even the ones that are not into fashion. As my classmate Natasha stated, "Everytime I go out somewhere, I always ask my friends what they are wearing.", which sounds very logical, since I'm always asking the same question to my friends. The only issue I have with this idea, is that I don't know if I can contextualize it enough to be written through a two page spread. I've seen those stories displayed in magazines, but they usually don't consists of much text, but rather a combination of images such as this:


They also don't take up two pages, so the only way that this idea would work is if I combined multiple events and gave distinct outfits to each different event, which would be too much information thrown together in the spread. Maybe this idea would be good for a bonus column, but I don't know if I have time for that, since I need to focus on my two page spread.

Another idea that I think would be pretty cool is if I went to a fashion show and interviewed one of the designers. I'm aware that the idea seems pretty ambitious, but fashion shows are really common in Miami, so maybe I could pull it off. I need to research if there are any upcoming events, who the designers are, if their clothing appeals to my target audience, and if I'll even be given the chance to interview them. Seems like impossible to achieve, but, I insist that if this could be pulled off, it would make the perfect story for my two page spread. I guess I'll have to research more and see...

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